Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 2, 2011 Happy 4th of July

Hello Everyone, How are you this Holiday Weekend!! It is hot again here in Memphis TN and everyone is grillin' and chillin'. Of cxourse Memphis is known for barbeque so this is a favorite holiday around here. I am mostly a vegetarian and salad person, but I have been known to partake!!
     My latest adventure in earrings was yesterday when I made some pretty Star of David earrings with swarovski crystal accents. I also made some pretty yellow beaded loop earrings that remind me of summer. The photo shows them with the cucumber blossom in my garden.
The hot weather is a friend to the cucumber famiy but not the tomato. I have very few tomatoes and the plants are just not as lush as they have been in past years. I water every evening .
      For some reason our cat ,Calsey, loves the water. She sits by the hose each day waiting for me to turn it on. Then she wades in the water and sits in the middle of the large puddle on a brick dangling her tail in the water!! She will just look at me as if to say, "What are you looking at? Haven't you ever seen a cat in the water ????"
So, enouph of my ramblings, I hope you have a great holiday !!! Check out the etsy store, Love misty714

1 comment:

  1. Love the earrings and your cat. All of my cats hated the water. Sometimes tomatoes can be tough little things to grow. Good luck with them and happy 4th. Enjoy the salad.
